Operating instructions:
Scratch off the anti-counterfeit labels on the products you purchased, and enter the 16 or 20 bit anti-counterfeiting verification code in the product security code frame, click the "inquiry" button to verify the authenticity of the product.
Such as: [security encoding query input is correct, the system prompts the search for your product is * * * company products, this product is genuine, please be assured!] you buy is genuine.
As you enter the security [encoding has been checked, the first query time in June * * * * * *, this is the first time a few queries!], please confirm whether you had about the security encoding product, if you had not query, please contact with the purchase of businesses!
Such as: "your input security code is not correct, beware of counterfeit!" please contact with the purchase of the business, or directly contact with the manufacturer!
刮开您所购买的产品上的防伪标识,在本网页上的产品防伪编码框中输入16位或 20位防伪验证码后,点击“查询”按钮进行产品真伪的验证。
如:【查询输入的防伪编码为正确的,系统提示为您所查询的产品为******公司 生产的产品,此产品为正品,请放心使用!】,则您购买的是真品。
如:【您所输入的防伪编码已被查询过,首次查询时间为****年**月**日,此次是 第几次查询!】,请确认此前您是否查询过该产品上的防伪编码,如果此前不是您 本人查询,请与所购买的商家联系!
如:【您所输入的防伪编码不正确,谨防假冒!】,请与所购买的商家联系,或者 直接与生产厂家联系!